Introducing the GPJ ANZ DEIB Initiative

Introducing the GPJ ANZ DEIB Initiative

Introducing the GPJ ANZ DEIB Initiative “What does the B stand for?” – is a question I’ve been asked a few times when talking about the ANZ GPJ DEIB Initiative. “Is it the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Board?!”No, it’s not. “B is for Belonging”… it is the litmus test for ensuring that the efforts around …

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Celebrating creativity and innovation

Celebrating creativity and innovation

GPJ creates experiences that inspire people to change the world. This is our purpose. It is why we do what we do. Our team passionately believes that experiences, ones that are designed with people at the heart, have phenomenal power to inspire action, and just sometimes, even change the world.  And while this purpose statement …

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Workplace Experiences Evolved

Workplace Experiences Evolved

In response to COVID-19, as organisations restructured and ‘pivoted’ (everybody drink), we also witnessed the biggest shift in HOW we work that any of us have ever seen. Overnight, offices became ghost towns as we started a world-wide working from home (WFH) experiment. While there had been a growing number of organisations offering flexible working arrangements, …

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Making Memories

Making Memories

How live experiences can help brands create a lasting impression. There are countless ways to measure ROI when it comes to marketing tactics; but harder to define, and even harder to quantify, is the ability for a brand to create a lasting impression on their audience. COVID-19 reshaped the world overnight, forcing many brands to …

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Experiences Evolved

Experiences Evolved

COVID-19 arrived quickly, abruptly and the impact on business has been exponential. The change that we felt in the experience and event industry was seismic and immediate. Our purpose has always been simple: we create experiences that inspire people to change the world. Our job is to bring people together. However, in a world where social …

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From Live to Digital: Environmental Design for Broadcast

From Live to Digital: Environmental Design for Broadcast

As we continue to navigate the altered landscape of the live events industry, as an agency we’ve launched a new service offering – Ready To Roll – to help you design and produce professional, broadcast-quality content for your customers, partners and staff in a clean and safe environment. However, you may have questions about where to start …

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GPJ Presents Ready to Roll

GPJ Presents Ready to Roll

We’ve all been working remotely, behind at-home cameras, for quite some time now and are feeling the pressure of isolation, digital clutter and screen fatigue. As brands, businesses and people, we need to connect but there are only so many Zoom meetings, Google Hangouts and Facetimes you can log in to before they become tired …

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Celebrating the wonderful women of GPJ

Celebrating the wonderful women of GPJ

The World Economic Forum predicts that none of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes, nor likely will many of our children. The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 reveals that gender parity will not be attained for 99.5 years. In light of these sobering findings, it is more important than ever to take action. The International Women’s …

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Sustainability takes centre stage in sin city

Sustainability takes centre stage in sin city

Sustainability takes centre stage in Sin City To inspire our sustainability efforts for the year (and decade) ahead, our General Manager Marc Iacano reflected on his IMEX 2019 experience, pulling together his key takeaways for the industry. Last year I found myself walking the carpeted halls of Las Vegas, the most over-the-top city on earth. …

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Tuning Out by design

Tuning Out by design

A 24/7 media environment means we’re consistently exposed to content.  We’re hit with ideas, news, opinions, products and enticed to like it, follow it, retweet it, blog it, buy it, email it via a plethora of devices and platforms, all designed to demand our attention. We become captive to a parade of distractions and it’s addictive. And once engaged, the dilemma of …

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The purpose issue

The purpose issue

Usefulness. Inspiration. Invisibility. Max Lenderman—founder of School, a Project agency, recently visited our Sydney & Melbourne offices to deliver an epic pressie on the Future of Experiential.  The video link below recaps his keynote and shares the three main factors of experiential marketing that showcase purpose and set brands apart in the future.  After all, …

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The Finest Experiences deliver powerful results

The Finest Experiences deliver powerful results

It’s a simple fact that giving your customers the finest experience is going to lead to better business results. Easy to say, but harder to do. So how do you create that ‘finest experience’ to drive those results? Over the past decade we have witnessed a customer-led revolution. Customers have redefined markets – and those …

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The power of cultural backgrounds

The power of cultural backgrounds

Ten years ago, when I left China and came to Melbourne to study, I could only find Singapore noodles when I was craving for budget Asian food. Today however I can easily find ten types of Chinese food and three different brands of bubble tea. Multiculturalism in Australia has also spread beyond cuisine with the …

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Diary of a self confessed virtual reality tragic

Diary of a self confessed virtual reality tragic

7.24AM First alarm goes off, followed by second alarm… then a third. 7:35AM I’m up. I can’t claim to be a morning person and my alarm app will attest to that. I do have getting ready and out the door down to a fine art though. I yell “Alexa, flash briefing” while making a coffee …

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Aristotle’s relevance to experiential marketing

Aristotle’s relevance to experiential marketing

In this guest post, Group account director Dylan McLaughlin, is summoning some of history’s greats in his take on the 2018 experiential marketer… Extraordinary ideas are rarely serendipitous or eureka moments. They are the culmination of shared thoughts and notions that have been twisted and turned, built on and built from. They are the product …

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Learning from the best

Learning from the best

In this post GPJ Australia’s Felippe Diaz recaps one of the standout sessions from the Meetings & Event Association’s recent conference in Adelaide. Last month, I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the annual Meetings & Event Association’s (MEA) Conference in Adelaide. As great as it was to be able to share …

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How does experiential VR work

How does experiential VR work

Right now, we’re seeing an explosion in demand for virtual reality content in the experiential marketing space. It’s an area that’s still relatively new, and there are a lot of untapped avenues to be explored. If you’re passionate about VR and believe that it’s a powerful medium like I do, then it’s easy to sometimes …

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Will robots take my experiential job

Will robots take my experiential job

Just this week, Elon Musk made a firm statement about his concerns around artificial intelligence. AI is all around us. You may not see it yet, but it is here. IBM expects that its cognitive computing platform Watson will reach over one billion people by the end of this year. AI is being touted as …

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Are your events delivering value

Are your events delivering value

At GPJ we believe that customer value for time is the key to the long-term success of your experiential events. I think you would agree we are all time poor, so when it comes to planning and delivering a customer engagement, be it an event or client meeting, we need to ensure that we are …

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The pixel puzzle

The pixel puzzle

Vision systems and video standards are complex. At a consumer level we are bombarded with technical specifications in an attempt to sell the latest and greatest. At an events level we are producing bigger and better digital content and pushing the boundaries of available technologies. While this is an extremely technical and complicated field I …

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